
L.I.I.AR. Interpretation Of My Brief

The language:
There are a few different things that i will be considering to use for my music magazine. I will be considering:
  • The font size/colour/style
  • where the images will be positioned/how big they will be
  • how the photos will be taken (what different angles will be used in the images)
The first thing that i will be considering, will be that the font will be a suitable size, it will not be too big for people to look it and think that it isn't professional or if it is not. I will be planning on using a white masthead for my magazine as i think that white is the colour that works best with almost every background and if it is a white background then putting a thick black line around it would make it more visually expressed to the audience. The rest of the writing would be in my hand drawn designs and also my IT designs too.

For the images and how they are positioned on the page is a very big thought, i will be having a main picture on the front of the magazine. The main magazine will fill the front page and everything can be added on to it later such as the ears, puffs and plugs. The resizing of the other images will be shown on my IT and hand drawn designs.

I will be having about 3 or 4 people stood in a group with the camera eye level to all of them, one will be in the front of the rest and all of the other models will be looking into the camera lens.

For the institution, i will be creating the magazine to mainly entertain the readers of this magazine, I will mediate the contents of the magazine so that it doesn't shine a bad light on the magazine in anyway to offend or to give off the wrong idea about why this magazine was created.

The ideology would be to entertain and also how other people are interested in that specific genre, like for example, if you make the genre about rock, then the audience would be people who are interested and like listening to that specific genre of music.

The audience for my magazine would mainly be aimed at teen ages as lots of teen ages like to listen to music, they also like to know gossip about certain bands that are out there too. The magazine could also be aimed at people older as the magazine could make them feel younger if they are reading a magazine aimed at a younger audience.

For the representations, i would be considering on how i will represent the institution, for example, i will be thinking about how my magazine will represent the gender, age and also the different social groups too. i think that the contents of my magazine will have to be relevant to my magazine too, there is no point on putting a band on the front of a music magazine when the magazine would be a channel guider or a cooking monthly magazine. i will also be considering the people who will read this magazine too, i wouldn't want people thinking that the magazine is too explicit which would relate to swearing or sexual content. Also having these things in could damage the magazines reputation and it could also offend the wrong people about their age or even their sexuality. ECT.

Outline Of The Brief

I will be creating a front page, a contents page and a double page spread of a music magazine..
I will be using images and text which will all be original (meaning it will all be written or the photos will all be taken by me and not taken from the Internet or other magazines that i will be studying)

I first will  interpret the brief to make the task more easier to understand and it will also help me to know what tasksto do and what to put in the other tasks too.
Secondly i will research:
  • 3 Contents Pages
  • 3 Double Page Spreads
  • 3 Front Pages
All of these elements will be from 3 different music magazines which i will try and choose very different ones, for example, i will try to choose different genres. When i do have the magazines, i will then scan the three magazines and upload the 3 contents pages, the 3 double page spreads and also the 3 front pages and analyse them or as i say, get ideas for my magazine. I will use the L.I.I.A.R in order to analyse the 3 magazines. I shall also take into consideration about what different things i would like to use for my magazine, i would consider looking at the different mast heads that the other magazines would use and could look into making a logo for the magazine that would look like for example Q or NME. There will also be the looking into the conventions of the magazine (the hidden meaning of the magazine) such as the mast head, it would have its own identification too such as Q is quality, it is printed on high quality gloss paper and is around £5. It also shows what type of genre it is too, and it being red, it means that it is high quality and has high class information in it too. This magazine wouldn't really be aimed at people who don't get paid that much money. Now if it is compared to Kerrang, then it is printed on very thin paper which newspapers are usually printed on. It has a smashed look in the masthead and the work Kerrang is a form of Onomatopoeia (a sound that sounds like a work, a gun shot = BANG, it sounds like the word), now Kerrang sounds like a guitar that is being strummed and by the look of the masthead then the guitar has been strummed at a high volume. It would also feature a lot of different music artists on the front of the different magazines too. The price of this magazine would be around £3 as it isn't printed for quality as such but it is printed for people who enjoy reading the rock genre and also for people who doesn't really earn much, it is also aimed at teen ages as a primary audience and teenagers don't really get much of an income as they would get EMA or be in a low paid job.

The different elements that i will be considering to look at and analyse would be:
  • The Mast Head
  • Cover Lines/Main Cover Lines
  • The Main Image
  • Left Third
  • Ears/Puffs/Plugs
  • Banner Headline + Kicker
  • Bar code/Price/Dateline
The masthead, i will analyse, whether it is a straight forward logo like Q, a capital q in a box with a red background or if i want to graphically design a masthead to make the magazine look more effective, there are few sayings like 'less is more' which means something like Q's magazine, something so basic and put in the corner of the magazine could be enough for that magazine, it isn't something that needs hours on discussing, instead, it is something not spread across the front page which gives it meaning and a very strong effect, coming back to the saying 'less is more'.

I will also be considering the cover lines that the other magazines also have, and i will be comparing the 3 magazines' and will be making my own up and seeing if they do match up and also look professionally made.  It is placed under the masthead and it also gives a 'explicit philosophy' I will really think about the different cover lines that my magazine will contain, i think one of the cover lines that i will be using would be a gig on, or the top 10 ways to play your guitar. I would put cover lines that would match the relevance of the genre used for my magazine.

I will be looking at the different main images on the 3 other magazines for what they have used, what background they have used and also where the models would be positioned, whether it is geographically or if they are grouped together looking into the lens on the camera. i will be thinking about how the models would be like, how they would be dressed, in which direction the models will be facing and the colour or if the image is geographically taken too (it meaning if it was taken in a forest then i would want to keep the background the way it is with the trees and the colour green everywhere).

The left third is very important on a magazine, it is the first place where a person would look if they were to identify their favourite magazine off a shelf. Magazines in Europe would be stacked from left to right. the left third also help people know a little about what is in the magazine like it would have cover lines on the left third, giving people an insight about the magazine and what is new. I will be looking into what different things i will be using in my left third on my magazine, the different things like how the cover lines are arranged and how the masthead would be positioned, stuff just like that.

The ears, puffs and plugs would be also something else that i would consider looking at, now it could hold information about what is on for example, page 15 and if Maroon 5 has got a gig in the O2 arena or if they have had some kind of interview with the band and their plans, something like that. The ears would be solid objects at the top right hand corner of the magazine,the puffs would be floating boxes or stars in the middle of the magazine and plugs would a solid object at the bottom right hand corner of the magazine. I will be looking into using one of these on the front of my magazine, prehaps advertising a gig at a stadium.

The banner head line could be for example the band called 'Muse' it would be what that magazine is mostly aimed at in that weekly, monthly or yearly edition. It also comes along with a kicker which is a small bit of information that is place under or perhaps about the banner head line, it is somewhat like a head line, it provides a explanation of the banner head line. I will be looking into what banner head lines i could use and also the kicker for the magazine too.

Then there is the bar code which is scanned at a shop and the price that is in the white space with the bar code should register with the bar code giving it the price of the magazine. There is also the date line and issue number as well, which shows the date it is released for and what issue, for example, Issue 56, 22nd December 2010. I will analyse where it is put on the other magazines and will also take notes on where it would look good on my drawn magazine plans.

For my music magazine i will be creating a new front page, a contents page and also a double spread. I will have created the following tasks by Christmas time:
  • 4 Original Images for my music magazine
  • My Blog
  • Hand Drawn Drafting (x3 each magazine=9)
  • IT Design Drafting (x3 each magazine=9)
  • A Brain storm of ideas
  • (Has to be thought over) A podcast

The Start

Today I have just started my blog, This blog will be used for my AS Media Coursework.