
L.I.I.AR. Interpretation Of My Brief

The language:
There are a few different things that i will be considering to use for my music magazine. I will be considering:
  • The font size/colour/style
  • where the images will be positioned/how big they will be
  • how the photos will be taken (what different angles will be used in the images)
The first thing that i will be considering, will be that the font will be a suitable size, it will not be too big for people to look it and think that it isn't professional or if it is not. I will be planning on using a white masthead for my magazine as i think that white is the colour that works best with almost every background and if it is a white background then putting a thick black line around it would make it more visually expressed to the audience. The rest of the writing would be in my hand drawn designs and also my IT designs too.

For the images and how they are positioned on the page is a very big thought, i will be having a main picture on the front of the magazine. The main magazine will fill the front page and everything can be added on to it later such as the ears, puffs and plugs. The resizing of the other images will be shown on my IT and hand drawn designs.

I will be having about 3 or 4 people stood in a group with the camera eye level to all of them, one will be in the front of the rest and all of the other models will be looking into the camera lens.

For the institution, i will be creating the magazine to mainly entertain the readers of this magazine, I will mediate the contents of the magazine so that it doesn't shine a bad light on the magazine in anyway to offend or to give off the wrong idea about why this magazine was created.

The ideology would be to entertain and also how other people are interested in that specific genre, like for example, if you make the genre about rock, then the audience would be people who are interested and like listening to that specific genre of music.

The audience for my magazine would mainly be aimed at teen ages as lots of teen ages like to listen to music, they also like to know gossip about certain bands that are out there too. The magazine could also be aimed at people older as the magazine could make them feel younger if they are reading a magazine aimed at a younger audience.

For the representations, i would be considering on how i will represent the institution, for example, i will be thinking about how my magazine will represent the gender, age and also the different social groups too. i think that the contents of my magazine will have to be relevant to my magazine too, there is no point on putting a band on the front of a music magazine when the magazine would be a channel guider or a cooking monthly magazine. i will also be considering the people who will read this magazine too, i wouldn't want people thinking that the magazine is too explicit which would relate to swearing or sexual content. Also having these things in could damage the magazines reputation and it could also offend the wrong people about their age or even their sexuality. ECT.

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