
My Evaluation

Media Magazine Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products?

My magazine uses conventions of real time products, for example I have used the mast head and it is big and stands out on my front page, it also has its own icon so it is identifiable and it also has a different meaning as it has a relation to rock band, for example rock bands are stereotyped by taking drugs (pills) and PIL relates to them. It also has its main image on the front of the magazine which has the eye contact with the models and it also has the faces in clear view. It is large and also very powerful as it shows all of the people in the bad as well as the photography equipment as that relates to their band name. There are little colours on my front page but I wanted to keep the colours very basic and not eye straining, it has some aspects of strong colours but not every colour in the spectrum. There is a thumbnail at the top of the page which advertises a poster inside my magazine and along with that there is the odd information on my front page such as ‘back4LESS, INSIDE NOW’, if there was some more I think that my front page would look more professional and it would fill up most of the white space. I have the language such as ‘INSIDE OF THE TOUR OF THE YEAR’ which would draw the audience to my magazine. There is the barcode at the bottom of my magazine front page along with the issue number, the full date, the price in pounds as well as dollars and the main feature, the website that can be visited. There currently isn’t any teasing content on my front page but I think it would be good if there was, it would again fill in the white space and make the page look more professional as other magazines have it as well. The thumbnail at the top also ties in with the competitions and the free gifts, there is the logo of ‘One Girl’ at the top of the magazine and it is big and would attract the attention of reader as well as the font used. I think the one thing I will have to keep in consideration would be the font, the font has been changed about seven times and if it was all the same that it would keep my magazine consistent and professional looking. I had previously looking into the conventions in my individual research on my blog. Also onto the contents page, I think there was more effort put into this because it was set out a lot more neater and it is set out like a magazines contents page, it has the colours working good with the background as well as the font, the font doesn’t have much of a change on my contents page, I think it works very good. The conventions have been followed very well in my contents page, the page title at the top is eye catching but it could do with it being bigger. I followed the conventions of Kerrang on my front page as I think Kerrang’s Contents page is neatly set out and you can find everything you want without straining eyes. There is a image on contents page which shows the quotes from the double page spread which is very affective, putting a over view on the contents page is good, it make the audience think about where to go next and it even give the page number too. The bottom half of the contents page shows the features in that week’s magazine which is very professional and it also give the audience a thought about where to look if they have a specific place that they want to look when they open up the magazine. There is also the continuous font style as the mast head which is very consistent and it makes the magazine look a lot more professional. There are some images on the contents page, there is the picture of the editor which is nice to have, and it gives the audience the feeling of being personal with the editor. There is the poster special at the bottom of the page and an overview of the double page spread. There are red highlighted page numbers on the sections so it is easy to navigate for the audience, alongside that there is a small brief of what is being featured as well as a catchy small line under it to give the audience a little more information about what is being published. There is the use of large and clear font at the bottom half of the contents page which makes it easy to read and it is also eye catching, not the colours that catches the eye, but the quality that has been put into the design. There weren’t any advertisements in the contents page, mainly because I don’t think I took the space of the text into consideration but it does look professional, but I think a small advert would make the contents page look like it belongs to a real magazine. There was a lot of various language techniques such as ‘Alfie is back’ it is short and powerful, it also give the audience a though about who has come back and why did they disappear in the first place, it give it something worth reading for the audience, and finally on the double page spread there is a few conventions that I ignored which I think I should have stuck to. There are the continuous colour types in my double page spread as well as the quotes that have been taken out of the article and made bigger which makes it eye catching for the audience. There is also a number of image of the band on my double page spread which makes it very social and it also relates to NME’s magazine, on their double page spread they had several images on their page and it looked very good, it showed them having more than one stance and facial expression, it showed more which was very good. Plus there was the bands logo/name was big and it its own font which shows that they are a personalised band and like things their way and no one else’s. The conventions that I had broken was the text dragging onto the main image, I don’t like this convention, mainly because if there is a dark background and a dark text then it is hard to read, as well as that.


My questionnaire about my media magazine

Here is my media audience questionnaire on my media magazine (oh and its suppose to look like its been scrunched up because it adds an effect and it also matches the theme to my magazine)


My Completed Magazine Work

Here is the completed version of my magazine

My Front Page

My Contents Page

My Double Page Spread


Hand Drawn Designs

In my hand drawn plans i had created a group of three designs (A,B,C)
The designs that i used mainly was group B
Also there was 2 sets of plans as well so that is 18 designs to choose from

A Group 
Front Page 1
Front Page 2
Contents Page 1

Double Page Spread 1
Double Page Spread 2

B Group
Front Page 1
Front Page 2
Contents Page 1
Contents Page 2
Double Page Spread 1
Double Page Spread 2

C Group
Front Page 1
Front Page 2
Contents Page 1
Contents Page 2
Double Page Spread 1
Double Page Spread 2

here are all of my plans that helped me create the final product, I had created so many because it gave me a choice about what I would be putting in my magazine for example the images and also the content and the positioning of the text.


Kerrang - Front Page, Contents Page, Double Page Spread and Advertisement L.I.I.A.R Analysis

The First magazine analysis
On this analysis I will be looking at the:
  • Front page
  • Contents Page
  • Double Page Spread
  • Advertisement
Front Cover
Kerrang Front Cover (November 06 2010)
The Language - On the front of this magazine there is a black background on the magazine and the models in the front. For the camera angles, there is a model in the front of everyone else that must be meaning that he is the lead singer or player in the band, it is also eye lever with the models too, the shot would also be classified as a medium close up shot as it contains from their heads to the bottom of their torsos. The mast head of the magazine is white and is in capital. The design of the masthead is very unique as it has a crack throughout the masthead, it also having onomatopoeia with Kerrang and also the strumming of the guitar having the same sound, it is positioned in the middle of the top of the magazine, it is very easy to identify if it is stacked on the shelf at a shop. There is a price on the bottom right hand corner of the magazine and also the bar code. It is a weekly magazine so the magazine would have to keep the prices low for the magazine too. It has the date and also the issue number on the magazine too, this keeps the audience on track with the date and the issue of the magazine and it also tells them if them if they have got the up to date magazine. There is also the teaser that says ‘The band You Need to Hear Right Now!’ it sounds like something to read and therefore catches the attention of the reader.
Institution - The institution of this magazine would be Kerrang. It is funded by advertisements throughout the magazine; this would be to make the magazine cheaper for the audience that it is aimed at as well. If the magazine is too expensive then the target audience would be put off on buying the magazine because of the price and it could put the magazine to its end. Mainly, Kerrang produced the magazine for people who are interested in bands like 'Parkway Drive' and 'Green Day'. It would be aimed at a younger generation and it is also aimed at people with a low income, for example, teenagers don't really get much income but adults in a job would get much of a higher income, magazines like 'The Guide To Windows 7' would be more expensive or Army Magazines too. There is also the publisher BAUER here which publishes like magazines, they publish mojo which is old rock, Kerrang which is new rock and the new bands that have come out and new songs that have come out too and there is Q which is like old rock and new rock as well, they mix it.

Ideology - Here the magazine 'Kerrang' is there to entertain, it is also there to inform about other band such as 'Green Day'. In this issue of the magazine, it is informing the audience about how green day has changed over the years of their career. Now people who are interested in this type of magazine would like to buy it, especially if they are a big fan of this band. There is a stereotype here in the audience compared to the magazine. Teenagers read this magazine and like the band and then they start to dress like them and even try to live like them, it is a common stereotypical thing as teenagers look up to people and follow in their footsteps, just like if one person dyed their hair then it would want them to dye their hair.

Audience - The audience of this magazine would be for teenagers and middle aged audiences too. (16-25) I would say that it is aimed at this age group as the front of the magazine has a pair of older men, say 20-25 on the front of it, now it’s rather for teenagers to look up to and try to be like them, just like role models, or it is for men like them in their 20's and like to keep up to date with them or just enjoy the music. I would also say it was aimed at both genders but a little more to then men’s side as the magazine seems to have more men in it then women. For the location, it is only in the UK and not in other countries like America, they have the American band in the magazine but it isn’t in the states. I also would imaging that this magazine would be available everywhere you would go in the UK (well where there is a Tesco or an Asda). For the religion, well I don’t really think you have to be a Christian or a Muslim to read this magazine, it isn’t really aimed at religion as such, I would say it is aimed at people who are interested in the bands and that all.

Representation - On the front page there is a number of things to be looking at. The first thing that I would be looking into would be what age is this front page aimed at, well I think that this magazine would be aimed at teenagers, the ages between 14-25, I think everyone within this age range would be interested in this magazine. I don’t really think that there is a group for the ethnicity or religion here; you don’t have to believe in a certain religion in order to read this magazine. For the gender, I don’t really think you have to be a particular gender in order to read this magazine, I think it probably would appeal more to the male audience rather than the female audience, mainly because there are the stereotypical expectations of what a man’s magazine would look like (black, white) and the expectations of what a girls magazine would look like (pink, red, fashion, fashion accessories). Also there are the expectations of what would be in the magazine, well on the front page there is a group called 'Parkway Drive' which I think is the second biggest text on the front page, the first biggest text would be the masthead. There is also other text and images about what is inside the magazine; this would give interest to people who are interested in this magazine or interested in a particular band that is featured on the front of the magazine.

Contents Page

Kerrang Contents Page (November 06 2010)
The Language - On the contents page there is an image on the top half of the magazine and also there is a white space where text and images are. For the camera angles of the top image, there is a man with red hair and it looks like the camera was at the side of the stage. I would really say there a certain way that this contents page was designed, for example the other Kerrang magazines have this format, they have an image at the top of the contents page and at the bottom of it there is a white space which is filled with images and text. At the top of the page there is the letters printed in yellow with a black background on it, this makes this text stand out and is very visible, it saying 'CONTENTS' helps the audience know what page they are on and also they are also informed about what page is the contents page and if it will give them information and the page numbers in the magazine. In that black space there is the issue number and also the cover date. Then there is a split at the bottom of the magazine with a black strip. In this black strip there is text, white and yellow, the most basic colours and also the colours which are most effective to the human eye too. This title does what it says and gives information about what is in the magazine this week, below is the given information. On the left hand side of the contents page there is a letter from the editor, this makes the magazine little persona, I have also noticed that there isn’t that many colours on the front page of the magazine, having too much colour could put the audience off and put stress on the eyes making it unreadable. Some colours have been used like green, red, yellow and black. I would say that these are the main colours that are being used on the whole magazine unless it is an image. It is basic and it is also easy on the eyes too. There are also very thin lines splitting each contents, I would say that there are thin lines because they are all alike, they aren’t very different to the extent of moving one contents to another position, they are all alike/similar hence the thin like against each other.

Institution - The institution of the magazine here is Kerrang, a rock band magazine who tell the audience about rock bands, it could be the most recent gig that went on or even exclusive information about the different rock bands. I would say that this magazine has a good purpose, if the magazine didn’t have a use for rock then this magazine wouldn’t sell at all, it is aimed at people who enjoy rock and even aimed at people who have their favourite bands in, this would relate to the front page as it has the left third, it would mention about what content is inside the magazine. Coming back to the institution. This magazine would also have things that wouldn’t offend recent people who buy this magazine, causing something that is bad for the magazine like violence could stop people buying the magazine (Negative Influence+Audience=NOONE BUYING THE MAGAZINE=NO MONEY FOR THE MAGAZINE) so it looks like nothing negative should be put on the contents page as it could make people think why they bought it and why would they want to buy it again.

Ideology - There ideology here lies in the editors hands, the editor here is called Nicola, she will edit the contents in the magazine and also what will go where on each page, she will influence good stuff and also the interest of people in the magazine, she wouldn’t put stuff that she would like to see in the Kerrang magazine as it would not appeal to the current audience to Kerrang and it could end up bad, again if the audience aren’t happy with the magazine then it would lose money and popularity too. Here we have a rock magazine and on the contents page we have a big image of a red haired man, looking like he hasn’t had a bath for a few weeks, but this would come with the expectations with rock bands, the ideology would mix in with this too, the editor has put a stereotypical rock band figure on the contents page and I imaging on every other page too, something just like this. 

Audience - Now again for the front page analysis, the audience for this front page would be 14-25 year olds, the magazine is clearly aimed at people who enjoy the updates of rock bands all in one place and Kerrang offer this, on the contents page, it is basically again 14-25 year olds, it doesn’t contain complex words, they are simple, small and very understandable to people who don’t read Kerrang like me, I have never read a music magazine in my life and straight away I understand who the bands are, I may not have heard of them but I know the names of them and I can type their name into YouTube and listen to their music, also there are reviews about the bands in the magazine too so if a person hasn’t heard about that particular band then they would read what they are like and if it is a good review then it is something to consider listening too and even going to one of their gigs.

Representation - Here the contents page, I would say is represented very good, it has a nice format to it I would say, it also has little images and not as crowded as well, it has lots of information for the audience when they open up the magazine and they will know what page to go if they are looking for something that interests them. It has a basic layout too which is good, it has been used well, the colours in the contents page are very basic too, there are green, red, yellow and black. It isn’t filled with many colours that are heavy on the eyes. Also it offers a 'Helping Hand', it has a page over view on the left top positioning of the page, it gives an overview to the audience and it would be something to expect too. Again that has been said in the ideology of the contents page, there are not so clean rocks bands that look like they haven’t had a bath in weeks on the top of the contents page, the expectation will carry on in the magazine as it is a specific genre and will hold images of rock bands and information too.

Double Page Spread

Kerrang Double Page Spread 1+2+3 (November 06 2010)

Language - On the double page spreads there and a number of things that should be considered, for example, where would the text go on the pages that contain the information for the audience. On the three double page spreads that have been selected from Kerrang all look very similar, for example they have the chunk of text at the side and then the image at one side or even on one page.
  1. On the first double page spread there is a white transparent text box with black text as the colour and red bold text to make things stand out on the page. I also notice that the red bold text is to make the subheading as each question is asked. These colours schemes are used all over the double page spread as the title has a black text which is the same font as the font in the text box and the red text which seems to be a bold text as well, I can’t see any other text colours or fonts on the page. The head line on this page looks as though it has been splatter on to the page, somehow like it has been stamped onto the page but not in a very good way. I would say that all of the red text that has been used individually on these pages looks as though they have been stamped on. The image has 5 men on a boat and the image is positioned on the right of the page, this gives the left page enough room to inform the audience about these men and the interview.
  2. On the second double page spread, there is a big image of two men with a red background which covers all both of the pages, it has which text boxes that contains again red and black text, the red is bold which sticks out for the title or something interesting on something on this article, and the white text boxes are ripped at the top and the bottom, this could represent that these men in the image are not neatly cut, and they don’t care so they tear the paper. On the red background there has been text inserted which is in black and white, some words which are normal like 'When, And HEAD OUT ON THE ROAD', there words are in white and the black words contain words like 'DEVILDRIVER, 36 CRAZYFISTS', these words wouldn’t really be in any other magazine and I also think that these words match the characters in the magazine. The headline for this article looks as though it has just been stamped straight onto the page, giving it that faded and classy look. The image on these pages have been positioned very well, they have displayed both of the main models in the middle and text around it without going over them.
  3. On the third double page spread, there is a picture of 4 men, looking dirty and not looking happy, I would say it was purposely done as their band name kind of does describe why they aren’t smiling. They clothing looks dirty and is all darkened colours too, they all have make up which makes them look darker around their eyes and their tattoos look intimidating too, the tattoos also count for the darkness effect that they are trying to achieve. They have a colour scheme here of white, orange and a small amount of black in the text. The orange is used to catch the eye of the audience and orange goes very well with black too. after the orange to catch the audiences eye, we have the white text which stands out from the black text box, there are bold texts that stand out and there is a orange strip which contains a over view of what the double page spread was about. For the headline of this article, it looks as though it has been spray painted as you can see the spots of paint around the logo and it also look neat inside.
Institution - The institution of the magazine here would be Kerrang, there are a rock band magazine that inform the audience about the rock bands. The people that would have created this would be the editors and the people who interview the bands. The double page spreads would represent the bands in a good way in the magazine; it would make them look very important to be on two pages and with a large image of them too. It would make the audience think that band is good; it also comes along with the interviews, gig dates and everything else. Nothing on these pages do offend anyone, but on the other magazines such as NME include bad language which could show a number of things, rather the audience like that particular content or that they are so used to it from the bands and they don’t notice it is something different when it is printed in a magazine. These double page spreads are created to advertise the bands; it is also to inform the audience about these bands too.

Ideology - Here the meaning would be to inform and to educate too, here we have double page spreads of bands and text which informs the audience, I think that these double page spreads would influence bands being dirty and not get a wash, mainly because they look like they could do with it, but besides that, being a rock band, they don’t have time for it they would say normally, on these pages it gives the audience a little cut of their lives in the interviews or even just general information that the bands wish to share with us.

Audience - I would say that the audience for the double page spreads would be the same audience for the whole magazine of Kerrang, they double page spreads are aimed at teens who like the FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) that are answered by the bands and it helps the audience feel a part of the conversations that take place and also if they had the same question and it is answered in the magazine then they have gained information themselves. The audience for the double page spreads here, probably at 16-24, maybe a little older as it could be teens that like to read interviews and tear out the page of the bands image and stick it to their wall in their room. I think that the magazine does aim this at men rather than men as it is only man bands and no women in them so it is one sided I think.

Representations -The representations of the double page spread are positive, there isn’t any swearing or negative words in the interviews that have been wrote. The images on the double page spreads are very powerful, they are of the band and they also show their bad side I think, I think it also could show how they are in the band and not in real life, but again it is a pose for the camera and that is important to the band, if it isn’t something worth looking at the popularity of that magazine could go down and down goes the magazine along with it. The other things here would be that they are rock bands and should be rough, or should they be. On the pages I have notices a stamp for the text, it is a good effect and looks like they don’t care where they stamp it cause their rock bands and they don’t have time to decide where it goes, and the text boxes are ripped off at the bottom, again I like this effect and the funny thing to me, it looks like a receipt from Tesco (lol) but I know that the effect is to look naughty and careless.

The Advertisements

Kerrang Full Page Advertisement (November 06 2010)

Here in Kerrang, there is a XBOX 360 game that is advertised on page 12, I can imagine that with this game being advertised in a audience targeted magazine towards 14-26 year olds, that this age group will look at the advertisement and look into GAME and buy this game, below the title of the game there is a small amount of writing for an overview in the game and what you do in the game, this overview would interest people into the playing of this game, even if they like the look of it and want to play a demo, they can go on the XBOX market place and download a demo to see if they are interested in it. The advertisement fills the full page which is very effective too, if something is big then it stands out and teens love big images to look at and something that looks different and cool, this advertisement has great image effects on it and it looks interesting to buy, again there are demos in the XBOX market place so if a person wanted to see if this was the game to buy then they would play a demo and from there they can decide, or even so they can ask friends who have the game or even read reviews online.


L.I.I.AR. Interpretation Of My Brief

The language:
There are a few different things that i will be considering to use for my music magazine. I will be considering:
  • The font size/colour/style
  • where the images will be positioned/how big they will be
  • how the photos will be taken (what different angles will be used in the images)
The first thing that i will be considering, will be that the font will be a suitable size, it will not be too big for people to look it and think that it isn't professional or if it is not. I will be planning on using a white masthead for my magazine as i think that white is the colour that works best with almost every background and if it is a white background then putting a thick black line around it would make it more visually expressed to the audience. The rest of the writing would be in my hand drawn designs and also my IT designs too.

For the images and how they are positioned on the page is a very big thought, i will be having a main picture on the front of the magazine. The main magazine will fill the front page and everything can be added on to it later such as the ears, puffs and plugs. The resizing of the other images will be shown on my IT and hand drawn designs.

I will be having about 3 or 4 people stood in a group with the camera eye level to all of them, one will be in the front of the rest and all of the other models will be looking into the camera lens.

For the institution, i will be creating the magazine to mainly entertain the readers of this magazine, I will mediate the contents of the magazine so that it doesn't shine a bad light on the magazine in anyway to offend or to give off the wrong idea about why this magazine was created.

The ideology would be to entertain and also how other people are interested in that specific genre, like for example, if you make the genre about rock, then the audience would be people who are interested and like listening to that specific genre of music.

The audience for my magazine would mainly be aimed at teen ages as lots of teen ages like to listen to music, they also like to know gossip about certain bands that are out there too. The magazine could also be aimed at people older as the magazine could make them feel younger if they are reading a magazine aimed at a younger audience.

For the representations, i would be considering on how i will represent the institution, for example, i will be thinking about how my magazine will represent the gender, age and also the different social groups too. i think that the contents of my magazine will have to be relevant to my magazine too, there is no point on putting a band on the front of a music magazine when the magazine would be a channel guider or a cooking monthly magazine. i will also be considering the people who will read this magazine too, i wouldn't want people thinking that the magazine is too explicit which would relate to swearing or sexual content. Also having these things in could damage the magazines reputation and it could also offend the wrong people about their age or even their sexuality. ECT.

Outline Of The Brief

I will be creating a front page, a contents page and a double page spread of a music magazine..
I will be using images and text which will all be original (meaning it will all be written or the photos will all be taken by me and not taken from the Internet or other magazines that i will be studying)

I first will  interpret the brief to make the task more easier to understand and it will also help me to know what tasksto do and what to put in the other tasks too.
Secondly i will research:
  • 3 Contents Pages
  • 3 Double Page Spreads
  • 3 Front Pages
All of these elements will be from 3 different music magazines which i will try and choose very different ones, for example, i will try to choose different genres. When i do have the magazines, i will then scan the three magazines and upload the 3 contents pages, the 3 double page spreads and also the 3 front pages and analyse them or as i say, get ideas for my magazine. I will use the L.I.I.A.R in order to analyse the 3 magazines. I shall also take into consideration about what different things i would like to use for my magazine, i would consider looking at the different mast heads that the other magazines would use and could look into making a logo for the magazine that would look like for example Q or NME. There will also be the looking into the conventions of the magazine (the hidden meaning of the magazine) such as the mast head, it would have its own identification too such as Q is quality, it is printed on high quality gloss paper and is around £5. It also shows what type of genre it is too, and it being red, it means that it is high quality and has high class information in it too. This magazine wouldn't really be aimed at people who don't get paid that much money. Now if it is compared to Kerrang, then it is printed on very thin paper which newspapers are usually printed on. It has a smashed look in the masthead and the work Kerrang is a form of Onomatopoeia (a sound that sounds like a work, a gun shot = BANG, it sounds like the word), now Kerrang sounds like a guitar that is being strummed and by the look of the masthead then the guitar has been strummed at a high volume. It would also feature a lot of different music artists on the front of the different magazines too. The price of this magazine would be around £3 as it isn't printed for quality as such but it is printed for people who enjoy reading the rock genre and also for people who doesn't really earn much, it is also aimed at teen ages as a primary audience and teenagers don't really get much of an income as they would get EMA or be in a low paid job.

The different elements that i will be considering to look at and analyse would be:
  • The Mast Head
  • Cover Lines/Main Cover Lines
  • The Main Image
  • Left Third
  • Ears/Puffs/Plugs
  • Banner Headline + Kicker
  • Bar code/Price/Dateline
The masthead, i will analyse, whether it is a straight forward logo like Q, a capital q in a box with a red background or if i want to graphically design a masthead to make the magazine look more effective, there are few sayings like 'less is more' which means something like Q's magazine, something so basic and put in the corner of the magazine could be enough for that magazine, it isn't something that needs hours on discussing, instead, it is something not spread across the front page which gives it meaning and a very strong effect, coming back to the saying 'less is more'.

I will also be considering the cover lines that the other magazines also have, and i will be comparing the 3 magazines' and will be making my own up and seeing if they do match up and also look professionally made.  It is placed under the masthead and it also gives a 'explicit philosophy' I will really think about the different cover lines that my magazine will contain, i think one of the cover lines that i will be using would be a gig on, or the top 10 ways to play your guitar. I would put cover lines that would match the relevance of the genre used for my magazine.

I will be looking at the different main images on the 3 other magazines for what they have used, what background they have used and also where the models would be positioned, whether it is geographically or if they are grouped together looking into the lens on the camera. i will be thinking about how the models would be like, how they would be dressed, in which direction the models will be facing and the colour or if the image is geographically taken too (it meaning if it was taken in a forest then i would want to keep the background the way it is with the trees and the colour green everywhere).

The left third is very important on a magazine, it is the first place where a person would look if they were to identify their favourite magazine off a shelf. Magazines in Europe would be stacked from left to right. the left third also help people know a little about what is in the magazine like it would have cover lines on the left third, giving people an insight about the magazine and what is new. I will be looking into what different things i will be using in my left third on my magazine, the different things like how the cover lines are arranged and how the masthead would be positioned, stuff just like that.

The ears, puffs and plugs would be also something else that i would consider looking at, now it could hold information about what is on for example, page 15 and if Maroon 5 has got a gig in the O2 arena or if they have had some kind of interview with the band and their plans, something like that. The ears would be solid objects at the top right hand corner of the magazine,the puffs would be floating boxes or stars in the middle of the magazine and plugs would a solid object at the bottom right hand corner of the magazine. I will be looking into using one of these on the front of my magazine, prehaps advertising a gig at a stadium.

The banner head line could be for example the band called 'Muse' it would be what that magazine is mostly aimed at in that weekly, monthly or yearly edition. It also comes along with a kicker which is a small bit of information that is place under or perhaps about the banner head line, it is somewhat like a head line, it provides a explanation of the banner head line. I will be looking into what banner head lines i could use and also the kicker for the magazine too.

Then there is the bar code which is scanned at a shop and the price that is in the white space with the bar code should register with the bar code giving it the price of the magazine. There is also the date line and issue number as well, which shows the date it is released for and what issue, for example, Issue 56, 22nd December 2010. I will analyse where it is put on the other magazines and will also take notes on where it would look good on my drawn magazine plans.

For my music magazine i will be creating a new front page, a contents page and also a double spread. I will have created the following tasks by Christmas time:
  • 4 Original Images for my music magazine
  • My Blog
  • Hand Drawn Drafting (x3 each magazine=9)
  • IT Design Drafting (x3 each magazine=9)
  • A Brain storm of ideas
  • (Has to be thought over) A podcast

The Start

Today I have just started my blog, This blog will be used for my AS Media Coursework.


My Evaluation of my Second Version

LI.I.A.R Analsis

The Language:
I have used the type of text for the mast head because it would appeal to a younger reader as it looks very modern and also it looks professional, it isnt under the influence of bright colours and poor image manipulation either. The image is a medium shot of two people on the front of the magazine. It also showing the students of the college which is a good thing too. It would appeal to students at the college and it would also appeal to the older audiences too. There are other images of the college splashed about the magazine too which shows all three buildings of the college. The text is a good colour as it doesnt clash with anything in the background or cover the people on the front of the magazine. The purple matches the mast head and subtitle on the headlines which is very good as it is consistant along with the ussue number and the date.

The Institution:
The three college images on the front of the magazine display the college to be a modern site and somewhere that young people would like to learn too. The college buildings would also appeal to the parents too, the questions that the partents would ask would be if they want to send their children to this college. Its new and it is newly built too. There also is a background image of the college walkway in the background of teh two students on the magazine too.

The Ideology:
The ideology or the belief that i wish to put across would be to value the education at the college, it has been put in a good light too and not anything negative, there are good images of the college, the signs are scruffy or falled off, they look neat and tidy and it is more of a reason for their parents to send the students to this college too.

The Audience:
The audience of this magazine would be a great age range like from the students to the parents. It would appeal to the students because it is students that are the main image on the front page and they would want to read something with younger models on the front page. It would also appeal to a older audience too as if they read something they is aimed at a younger audience then they would like to read it, making them feel younger and more filled with youth. They also would be the parents of the students that are the audience, for the main reason, it would be to see if they college is up to scratch and if it is the right desicion for them and the students.

The Representation:
The magazine would represent to education, it would represent a happy environment to work in as well. I have took a image of two students in the college ground, as you can see, i have put it on the left bottom corner of the magazine, these students appeal to the target audience that i would have expected.

Final Magazine Developoment Version 2

Here is the development of the magazine in the different steps of progress.


On this magazine, i think that there is too much blank space on the magaine front cover, i had to change the original as it was not a body shot, instead it was a long shot instead, i really liked that one and i spent the most time on that too. I will also need to change the text above the main image as it does clash with the white space at the back of it.


Here is my final design of the magazine, it has a even body shot of two people and it also has all the information that version 1 has too. This one does have some blank spaces but it is covered with the masthead, the date and also the images.

Final Magazine Developoment Version 1

The Front Page:

You may not be able to see the two differences that i have made on the magazine, i have added another filter to the background and also to Adam. It has sharpened both the background and Adam in this front page. Ive also added a lens flair (It is like a spot light on the page) behind the masthead of my magazine to make it look a little more like brightened up.
I truly think that this is my best work that i have done in Adobe Photoshop. (Very happy)

Contents Page:

Here is the completed contents page with all of the imported images and new effects that i have added to the magazine, i have even added a page number as all magazines do have them. I also added effects on the shapes that i have used too. It was a good effect and i liked it too so i decided on using it.

I have done all of my originals now and onto the evaluation.


My Drafts From Photoshop (Front Cover and Contents Page)

Front Cover

Here is the draft copy of my magazine front cover, at the moment i think it looks pretty plain and will be improving more on it the next time round, it just could be the change of the background colour to another filter

Contents Page

 Here is the draft copy of my contents page, there are red boxes that represent missing images and headlines which i would input after my magazine is complete, right now this is the main draft design of the contents page and how it should look when it is complete but with images.

Hand Drawn Drafting and Photographs That I will Be Using In My Front Page

Here are the hand drawn designs that i have created for the front page of the magazine, i will be using set 1 for the real drafting for my magazine, i think it is constructed much better than set 2.

Below are the images that i have used for the magazine and are most relevant to the draft of set 1.


Name Planning For The College Magazine

Here is my planning for the names that i will be using for my magazine, I have decided on prioritising three of them because i like them so much

I will be using the name 'Wyke.Mag' as my masthead of my magazine and if that isnt good when designed then i will be using the masthead 'The Only Wyke', and if that doesnt work then i will use my third masthead with 'Wyke Everything'. I think that these college mastheads are very good and i have decided to pick three out of six just in case anything goes wrong.

Analysis Of The Second College Magazine (L.I.I.A.R)

College Magazine research and Analysis

Research Sample 2:

East Riding College Student Life Magazine

here is the front cover and contents page of the East Riding College Magazine and it is very plain and it used the basic tones, black and white which does make the magazine very classy and attractive to different people. There are high in contrast which is very good cause it can become eye catching as well. it does have a main picture which says 'Media Students in Berlin' which is a very nice touch which could present that this is the college for the great trips and also the college that likes to offer different and more open opportunities too. the logo is quite big but not too big that it takes up the full page, just big enough so that the reader knows where the magazine was created from and for whom. The text is very constant too, it is all in the same font type and it is also in a relevant size too, it isn't too big to block up the whole of the image. It has a few empty spaces on the magazine too which isn't as attractive as sample 1.
On the contents page it has a number of different images of students doing activities and also this could be to display again that this is the college that organises big trips to students. It also has a strange green table for the writing and it doesn't look attractive at all, it would have been better if they had something like a box around it with a think black line around it with the tone white inside it.

L.I.I.A.R Analysis

The language:
In the language, the image on the front cover is positioned in the middle of the page, mainly because it could be that the magazine revolved around that image. it has white text on the page that separated it from the background and makes it stand out a lot more then putting colours that are busy on the eyes. It looks very plain too, nothing too important was used on this front page, i think that more planning and design could have been put into this front cover. The image on the front page is positioned behind the students in as i assume from the caption of the image, in Berlin. 
On the contents page, there is a green box positioned on the left of the page with all of the contents listed in black and bold writing. There are a number of images that are placed on the contents page which could represent the achievements and trips that the students of the college go to.

The Institution:
I don't think that the magazine does represent a institution as the cover is very bleak and not very attractive at all and it doesn't really give the college an attractive look to it. The contents page is very different, it has a new different colour which i don't think works with the black and white tones that they have tried using and it is pretty off-putting to the reader. it has many images on the contents page which aren't relevant to the magazine at all, it would have been better if there was a caption on the images for what it is in the image, yes it does make the college look interesting but it doesn't look too good if there isn't anything more to read about as seeing the images may excite the reader but may become disappointed if there was no more information in the magazine. Also there could be a separate section for the trips that would be happening in the college itself instead of planting images everywhere around the magazine. it would have interested me a lot more.

The Ideology:
The Ideology of this magazine is like sample 1 as it does value education and and it wants to look like the college that everyone wants to go to have a better education. It also presents image on the magazine to make the college look like a fun place to be and also a place for people to socialise and make new friends which is also a good ideology which is put in the magazine like sample 1.

The Audience:
The audience for this magazine would be the students i think, mainly because it looks classy and it has images of students which would reflect on them. It also could be aimed at different businesses that let the college go paint balling and also the other activities, it could help advertise the business to other colleges that would like to do other similar things.

The Representation:
The front cover and the contents page of the magazine revolve all around the educational point of view although that the college magazine may look very gloomy and not very attractive. These high in contract tones in the magazine makes it look classy and also something that would interest a older audience too.


Analysis Of The First College Magazine (L.I.I.A.R)

 College Magazine research and Analysis

I shall construct a college magazines front cover and contents page using the the ideas and the analysis of other magazines and also the images and the draw designs that i had created. Using the analysis of the other magazines, i will try to make my magazine as professional as possible and also creating different samples that i will work from as well. I will make a number of drafts that will help me get to the final stage at creating the magazine front page and also the contents page.

Research Sample 1:

Here is the magazine that I have researched and analysed

The front of the cover on the 'gx' magazine uses only a few colours and not a lot of them to make them look unprofessional or not attractive to the reader. The use of colours here work very well with the blues and also the whites too. Also the font style was made big and bold and nothing too unprofessional such as if it was to be too small and not the right colour and the right size. The text is shown very clearly and is not put all in one corner, it is spread out evenly around the front page to make it easier to read and to also make it attractive too.

L.I.I.A.R Analysis

The Language:
In the language of this magazine, the front cover had a number of calm colours that would attract readers think that it is 'cool' and 'modern'. The white gx on the front cover stands out as it bold and big which is very good and would attract a lot of readers to the magazine. it also has two genders on the front of the magazine which represents that this magazine is for both genders and not just for boys or girls. They have been cut away front the image as though it has been graphically done and their outline has been left there, this could also represent that this is a modern magazine too. The text has the same font style which is very good for consistancy and also maintains the colours in the magazine too. It has black, grey and blue writing on the front of the magazine which are the same colours on the magazine but they are positioned so that they dont clash with anything in the front cover.
On the contents page, it is pretty busy, there are different images on the contents page along with a white transparent box where all of the text is held for readers to identify where and what contents are inside the magazine there is a lot of text on the contents page too, to describe and inform about what is inside the magazine. the text is a fair size on the page, it is the right colour too, it doesnt clash with the background at all which is a very good thing, all of the text is readable which is a good think too. I think that this magazine is a streotypical teenages who likes to rave a lot and also someone who likes to party a lot and likes to listen to hardcore music and beats too.

The Institution:
The magazine cover could represent it being something modern as there is modern graphics used and there is big and bold writing used with calm and brightening colours in the background. It could also introduce a feeling of socialising too as there is informal language used on the front page and it has a welcoming theme too it too.

The Ideology:
The magazine would revolve around the Grimsby Institute and is an educational facility too. These do put an impression on the reader that this is the place to learn and also is welcoming because of the different colours in the background too. Having ideology put in place here makes the reader feel as though they are being understood by the magazine and also the way things are put to them as if it was a teenager reading the magazine and also a member of staff at the institute too.

The Audience:
I think that this magazine is aimed at pupils at the college mostly and also it is made understandable to other audiences such as the staff at the institute and also the parents of the pupils who will bring this magazine home for the parents to feel as they are a part of their life too.

The Representations:
I think that the magazine represents the college as a classy college and for it to be a very positive place to have fun and learn at the same time. It also represents that the education in the college is valued highly as the magazine doesn't look like it has been produced by a 4 year old. I also see that the college looks like it is advertising different things like new activities for students to take place in that other colleges wont offer.

This is the front page with my annotations on it


L.I.I.A.R Interpretation of My Brief

The L.I.I.A.R Interpretation of My Brief

The camera will be pointing upwards to to subject, a man and a woman will be stood with fashionable clothing on looking away from the camera and wearing glasses looking up and one looking down. it also will contain the stuff that will not put a bad influence on the magazine such as complex words that the audience will not understand and not giving the wrong idea on the audience either.

I will be using a mast head title piece which will be displayed on the top left hand corner of the magazine that I will be creating too.

A college is creating the magazine, mainly because it is to inform about education. I will mediate the contents of the magazine so that it is not bad in anyways to give it a bad representation.

The ideology on the magazine would be about education and how the college values an academic point of view. Every part of my media work shall be created around the ideology of education for the college itself.

I think that the magazine would appeal to people of all ages but mostly aimed at younger people such as teenagers. It is about teen fashion so it would appeal to the younger generation but also to the older generation too about if they wear what teens wear, then they could feel younger too.
It would also appeal to both genders, male and female as it is having both genders on the front of the magazine.
The location would be inside the college to represent that college.

I will be considering how i will present the institution for example it will how i will represent the different gender, age and also different social groups. I think that if the contents of my magazine will be suitable for the readers as it would offend people of their age and also their sexuality. ECT.