
Analysis Of The Second College Magazine (L.I.I.A.R)

College Magazine research and Analysis

Research Sample 2:

East Riding College Student Life Magazine

here is the front cover and contents page of the East Riding College Magazine and it is very plain and it used the basic tones, black and white which does make the magazine very classy and attractive to different people. There are high in contrast which is very good cause it can become eye catching as well. it does have a main picture which says 'Media Students in Berlin' which is a very nice touch which could present that this is the college for the great trips and also the college that likes to offer different and more open opportunities too. the logo is quite big but not too big that it takes up the full page, just big enough so that the reader knows where the magazine was created from and for whom. The text is very constant too, it is all in the same font type and it is also in a relevant size too, it isn't too big to block up the whole of the image. It has a few empty spaces on the magazine too which isn't as attractive as sample 1.
On the contents page it has a number of different images of students doing activities and also this could be to display again that this is the college that organises big trips to students. It also has a strange green table for the writing and it doesn't look attractive at all, it would have been better if they had something like a box around it with a think black line around it with the tone white inside it.

L.I.I.A.R Analysis

The language:
In the language, the image on the front cover is positioned in the middle of the page, mainly because it could be that the magazine revolved around that image. it has white text on the page that separated it from the background and makes it stand out a lot more then putting colours that are busy on the eyes. It looks very plain too, nothing too important was used on this front page, i think that more planning and design could have been put into this front cover. The image on the front page is positioned behind the students in as i assume from the caption of the image, in Berlin. 
On the contents page, there is a green box positioned on the left of the page with all of the contents listed in black and bold writing. There are a number of images that are placed on the contents page which could represent the achievements and trips that the students of the college go to.

The Institution:
I don't think that the magazine does represent a institution as the cover is very bleak and not very attractive at all and it doesn't really give the college an attractive look to it. The contents page is very different, it has a new different colour which i don't think works with the black and white tones that they have tried using and it is pretty off-putting to the reader. it has many images on the contents page which aren't relevant to the magazine at all, it would have been better if there was a caption on the images for what it is in the image, yes it does make the college look interesting but it doesn't look too good if there isn't anything more to read about as seeing the images may excite the reader but may become disappointed if there was no more information in the magazine. Also there could be a separate section for the trips that would be happening in the college itself instead of planting images everywhere around the magazine. it would have interested me a lot more.

The Ideology:
The Ideology of this magazine is like sample 1 as it does value education and and it wants to look like the college that everyone wants to go to have a better education. It also presents image on the magazine to make the college look like a fun place to be and also a place for people to socialise and make new friends which is also a good ideology which is put in the magazine like sample 1.

The Audience:
The audience for this magazine would be the students i think, mainly because it looks classy and it has images of students which would reflect on them. It also could be aimed at different businesses that let the college go paint balling and also the other activities, it could help advertise the business to other colleges that would like to do other similar things.

The Representation:
The front cover and the contents page of the magazine revolve all around the educational point of view although that the college magazine may look very gloomy and not very attractive. These high in contract tones in the magazine makes it look classy and also something that would interest a older audience too.

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