
My Evaluation of my Second Version

LI.I.A.R Analsis

The Language:
I have used the type of text for the mast head because it would appeal to a younger reader as it looks very modern and also it looks professional, it isnt under the influence of bright colours and poor image manipulation either. The image is a medium shot of two people on the front of the magazine. It also showing the students of the college which is a good thing too. It would appeal to students at the college and it would also appeal to the older audiences too. There are other images of the college splashed about the magazine too which shows all three buildings of the college. The text is a good colour as it doesnt clash with anything in the background or cover the people on the front of the magazine. The purple matches the mast head and subtitle on the headlines which is very good as it is consistant along with the ussue number and the date.

The Institution:
The three college images on the front of the magazine display the college to be a modern site and somewhere that young people would like to learn too. The college buildings would also appeal to the parents too, the questions that the partents would ask would be if they want to send their children to this college. Its new and it is newly built too. There also is a background image of the college walkway in the background of teh two students on the magazine too.

The Ideology:
The ideology or the belief that i wish to put across would be to value the education at the college, it has been put in a good light too and not anything negative, there are good images of the college, the signs are scruffy or falled off, they look neat and tidy and it is more of a reason for their parents to send the students to this college too.

The Audience:
The audience of this magazine would be a great age range like from the students to the parents. It would appeal to the students because it is students that are the main image on the front page and they would want to read something with younger models on the front page. It would also appeal to a older audience too as if they read something they is aimed at a younger audience then they would like to read it, making them feel younger and more filled with youth. They also would be the parents of the students that are the audience, for the main reason, it would be to see if they college is up to scratch and if it is the right desicion for them and the students.

The Representation:
The magazine would represent to education, it would represent a happy environment to work in as well. I have took a image of two students in the college ground, as you can see, i have put it on the left bottom corner of the magazine, these students appeal to the target audience that i would have expected.

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