
Final Magazine Developoment Version 1

The Front Page:

You may not be able to see the two differences that i have made on the magazine, i have added another filter to the background and also to Adam. It has sharpened both the background and Adam in this front page. Ive also added a lens flair (It is like a spot light on the page) behind the masthead of my magazine to make it look a little more like brightened up.
I truly think that this is my best work that i have done in Adobe Photoshop. (Very happy)

Contents Page:

Here is the completed contents page with all of the imported images and new effects that i have added to the magazine, i have even added a page number as all magazines do have them. I also added effects on the shapes that i have used too. It was a good effect and i liked it too so i decided on using it.

I have done all of my originals now and onto the evaluation.

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